Our Projects in South America and Germany
We compensate our Green PE bottles, as well as our fair trade appearances 2022 through local projects and international forest protection.
This carbon offset is entirely achieved by 2 internationally certified projects in South America, the first protecting the forest of Pará at the brazilian Amazon delta, while creating alternative income for local families, like the trade with Açaí berries. The second initiative supports Columbia’s largest REDD+ project for the biodiversity of local rainforests, as well as offering education and social services to 16.000 indigenous people.
For every ton of CO2 offset there, we additionally plant a tree in Germany to help our own vegetation adapt to global warming.
That’s why we support local reforestation towards more biodiversity – and are looking forward to being part of the next planting projects organised by the “Schutzgemeinschaft deutscher Wald e.V.”
Our combination project beautifully unites our regional engagement with the guaranteed CO2-compensation of our fair trade appearance by certified projects in the Americas.
*REDD+ = ‘Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation’
Our certificates:
Please find further information on our projects and the exact procedure for compensation at