Our Green PE and PCR bottles now come with certified recycling friendly dispensers and spray heads in black and white
The recyclability of our products is very important to us - reducing waste and saving valuable resources should be a no-brainer nowadays. Packaging made of bio-based and PCR materials are the first choice, given that they also have a high recyclability. That's why we had our Green PE and PCR products tested by Interseroh in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute. Green PE from Gerschon is now certified "ideally recyclable" and in combination with our black dispensers "well recyclable". Black components in particular are difficult to identify by recycling plants, but the special carbon-free composition of our new GSA Bio dispensers was well recognised in the scanner test. As a result, our Green PE dispenser bottles, as well as our Green PE jars received the coveted "Made for Recycling" label.
While Gerschon already is committed to the forests of Africa and South America through three climate protection projects, it is just as important for us to make our contribution to biodiversity and the climate here in Germany. And we are happy to be hands-on with that, literally - having just taken part in a reforestation campaign on 13 July, where we planted 20 silver firs in Spitzingsee, Bavaria. The silver fir is extremely tolerant to shade, grows between 3-10cm per year and can live up to 500 years. By planting them between the local pines, a slow and sustainable forest transformation is achieved and the forest is prepared for the time when the pines become obsolete due to climate change. A silver fir can spend up to 50 years in stand-by mode in the shade of the pines, and then fully develop once those are gone.
"The financial support from the federal and state governments is nowhere near enough to improve the dramatic situation of local forests," explains organiser Simon Tangerding, Managing Director of the Schutzgemeinschaft Deutscher Wald Landesverband Bayern e.V. That is why the role of the private sector is all the more important. ClimatePartner has already had 100,000 trees planted as part of the Spitzingsee project to rebuild the damaged forest areas and set the course for resilient, heat-resistant vegetation.
"Green PE is very easy to work with and has almost the same properties as its petroleum-based, conventional counterpart. And it has a very nice texture and feel, an aesthetically beautiful, pure product, very suitable for cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Of course, it’s very important for me as a wholesaler to always be able to deliver when my customers need their items. This is guaranteed with this product made from renewable, bio-based raw materials.”
Evelyn Joppen-Leysaht, Managing Director Gerschon GmbH.
Visit us at the trade fair in Munich!
This year we will once again be represented at the top trade fair for cosmetic and pharmaceutical packaging and look forward to meeting you there in person. We will be happy to advise you on site on current topics such as sustainable packaging and (recycling-friendly) printing and finishing, which we will be happy to undertake according to your wishes in collaboration with our in-house graphic designers.
You can find us at the Green Route on June 1 and 2, 2022 in MOC Hall 3 Stand D03. See You!
Black is beautiful
Black spray heads and droppers with tamper-proof screw lid give our glass bottles an extraordinary quality look and therefore perfectly support every brand appearance.
Flat glass jars
They are flat and together with the elegant shape they appear with the value of glass. Perfectly for high quality products.
Upside down spray head
Upside down, you're turning me, sang Diana Ross
some time ago. Our spray heads can not sing, but spraying upside down works perfectly.